Friends of HG
Hemphill Guitars could not be what it is without the help of these amazing friends! You should check them out!
The team over at Gator has been such a joy to work with! They are constantly pushing the envelope in the case game and in my opinion have some of the best bags/cases out there! I am proud to offer Gator Cases for all my builds.
The BEST cables in the game…no question. Austin and his team are just good dudes too. There are two ways to get a Runway cable…you can click the image to the left and go buy one, or you can buy a Hemphill Guitar and you get one in your case. Pretty straight forward really.
I was over the moon when D’Addario offered to be the string supplier for Hemphill Guitars! I have been a D’Addario guy all my life! When I was growing up, all my favorite players played D’Addario Strings. It only seemed natural for me to do the same. Their XT and XS series of strings are incredible! Love you guys!
One of the secrets of great sounding vintage instruments is the fact that they have been played-in for thousands of hours. The ToneRite accelerates the play-in process by using a set of sub-sonic frequencies to simulate the same physics as long term playing. Every acoustic guitar that comes out of my shop gets the ToneRite treatment!
Not to mention all the parts brands and suppliers/dealers! We couldn’t do it without you guys!